GREENHOUSE, NURSERY & design/build landscaping company
Store Hours: Monday through Saturday 9am to 5pm
Sunday 10am to 4pm

Annuals & Perennials
Give Your Garden Color & Beauty with Flowers from Our Garden Nursery!
"If you're looking for some brilliant color for your yard, you'll find a variety of annuals and perennials at our Garden Nursery that are perfect for shade or sun, depending on your needs. Let us point you in the right direction."
Here are some of our most favorite seasonal annuals and perennials:
Petunia, Calibrachoa, Lantana, Cuphea, Salvia, Angelonia, Begonias, and many, many more! Tons of variety in pollinators, color, and proven performance. We are a Certified Proven Winner Annual Retailer.
Incredibly large selection of Missouri Hardy perennials that are great for sun or shade. 90 perent of our perennials are grown right on our site! They include Heuchera, Hostas, Salvia, Nepeta, Grasses, Epimediums, Coneflower, Ferns, and so much more.
Our tropicals are proven performers for our Missouri summers, and we have one of the largest selections in the state. They include Cassava, Jatropha, Mandevilla, Ixora, Bougainvilla, Cestrum, Hamelia, Calliandra, Bird of Paradise, Alocasia, Colocasia, Brugsmansia, Bromeliads, Air Plants, and many more.
Stop by our Garden Center or call us at 573-886-9419 to see if we have the specific plant you're looking for.
Discover the Secrets of Helmi's Gardens
Call us in Columbia at 573-886-9419 and let us know how we can help you with your gardening, landscaping, container, and maintenance needs!
Where You Find the Unique & the Unusual!